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What Client Says

Bob Engemann

Member of the hit group, The Lettermen, 32 Consecutive Billboard Magazine albums, 11 Gold Records, 5 Grammy nominations, Andy Award, Cleo Award

"I have known Tom for many years. I greatly admire his health, strength, and skill, not only in his body but in all aspects of his nature. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in living a healthier life, especially for those like me who are up in age and want to enjoy a high quality of life until the day they die."

Dr. LJay Silvester

6-Time World Record Holder (Discuss), Olympic Silver Medalist (Munich 1972), and Olympic Bronze Medalist (Montreal 1976), Retired College Professor, Olympic Coach (Sidney 2000)

"WAVE 4 Healthy Living is a comprehensive guide to living. The concepts in this book will help anyone live a healthy, happy, robust, fulfilling, and righteous life. All who read it will find it informative, revealing, interesting, and appealing."

Mark Victor Hansen

#1 NYT, Chicken Soup for the Soul

"As a master of his own achievements, this is an inspirational guidebook filled with tips and stories to help you reach your best self."

Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee

Speaker to the United Nations (2007), Trainer of Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali, Father of Tae Kwon Do in America

"I love the way Tom has integrated the body, mind, and spirit in this book. His message has broad appeal and will help those who read it create more health, happiness, and peace. I would encourage all those who want to live a healthier and happier life to read Tom's book."